Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Links of interest

Worth reading, or certainly skimming, is the second link about tightening polls--some keen insight.

No hints.

Aravosis is worried by the tightening polls.

Obama's longtime Jewish outreach guy was also a lobbyist until earlier this month.

Obama pushes a commission to weaken the superdelegates and decompress the calendar.

Toby Keith praises Obama in the course of promoting "Beer for My Horse."

David Ignatius finds McCain's self-professed love of the "zinger" problematic for future diplomacy.

The Obama campaign floats the Dr. Strangelove meme.

Michelle Cottle profiles Valerie Jarrett.

Will Biden's war vote undermine Obama's message? (Although Biden's record on the war -- he and Richard Lugar first supported a resolution that would have limited the president's authority -- is probably more compatible with Obama than that of the more hawkish Evan Bayh.)

Down-ticket candidates plug Obama's message into their campaigns.

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