Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Remainders: Joementum!


Biden says "I'm not the guy." Sell!

Rachel Maddow replaces Abrams.

The cross-in-the-dirt story never happened – to Solzhenitsyn.Bud Day vouches for McCain’s version.Sullivan notices an inconsistency.Hertzberg saw a wilted Obama at Saddleback.

McCain stays negative in Spanish.Daytime soap stars prefer Obama.You can now buy designer Obama merchandise.

Villaraigosa won't speak in Denver.

Watch out Obama, there’s an e-mail AND Internet campaign against you.

B&N is fighting with Amazon over Robert Kuttner’s new Obama book.

How can you tell if an icon is pro- or anti-Obama?

Greg Parrish takes convention coverage

Bloomberg-Paul takes Virginia by storm.

The University of Illinois won't/can't release some Obama papers.

And Steve Parry is not Michael Phelps.

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