Thursday, August 21, 2008


The new 527 ad about Obama and Ayers text is below and it's outrageous! Someone should mention the radical Gordon Liddy--he held a fundraiser for McCain at his home and McCain has been on his radio show and sang Liddy's praises. Look what Liddy wanted to do when he was in the Nixon WH. And talk about exaggeration (with apologies to VP Gore), see the latest on McCain's and Mother Teresa! Ann

Obama is winning women overall, but still having trouble with boomers.

The Land of Lincolner tells USA Today he’s made up his mind on a veep choice– but he’s still not spilling the beans.

Says he’s chosen someone “to challenge me so we have got a robust debate in the White House.”

Adds the decision was not easy. “We had some great choices.”

Plus: He also teases the press at a deli in Petersberg, Virginia when asked about the timing of his announcement text message, saying “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

More: At a stop at Virginia Favorites Ltd. In Emporia, Obama confirms: “I did say that I’ve made the selection and that’s all you’re going get.”

Scheduling conflicts suggest it’s not the former Georgia Sen. Sam Nunn.

The evolution of the McCains' adoption story to involve the direct intervention of Mother Teresa can actually be traced to between 2004 and 2008. On the still-functioning McCain 2000 website in 2004, the text read:

During one of those missions, on a visit to Mother Teresa's Orphanage Cindy agreed to bring two babies in need of medical attention back to the United States.

By 2008, it had been changed as follows:

On one of those missions, Mother Teresa convinced Cindy to take two babies in need of medical attention to the United States.

McCain Prepares Rezko Ad; Wright "Now Fair Game"; GOP 527 Attacks

NARRATOR: "Beyond the speeches, how much do you know about Barack Obama?
What does he really believe? Consider this:
United 93 never hit the Capitol on 9/11. But the Capitol was bombed thirty years before -

By an American terrorist group called Weather Underground that declared 'war' on the U.S. -

Targeting the Capitol, the Pentagon, police stations and more.

One of the group's leaders, William Ayers, admits to the bombings, proudly saying later: 'We didn't do enough.' Some members of the group Ayers founded even went on to kill police.

But Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, 'Respectable' and 'Mainstream.' Obama's political career was launched in Ayers' home. And the two served together on a left-wing board.

Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol...and is proud of it? Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama? American Issues Project is responsible for the content of this ad."

Obama's Travel Before Convention

So for those of you who wish to chart Mr. Obama’s course to Colorado, where he will accept the party’s nomination on Thursday, an early sketch of his travels look something like this:
SATURDAY – He appears before Old State Capitol in Springfield, Ill.

SUNDAY – Eau Claire, Wis.

MONDAY – Near Davenport, Iowa.

TUESDAY – Kansas City, Mo.

WEDNESDAY – Billings, Mt.

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